Last night I attended an international symposium on COVID-19 science. Speakers from around the world were showing how quickly the scientific community came together to get the best treatment to patients all over the world. Thanks to the immense efforts of these brilliant people, hundreds of thousands survived. Then there was the antivax hacker who decided to insert themselves into the text chat to just swear at the presenters. It was short lived, but we got a quick glimpse into the petty toxic mind that puts their own imagined freedom over the responsibility to the community. The belligerence of this action that clearly stems from poor rationalisation abilities, highlights a shortfall of our education system. Of course there are the politically and media fueled propaganda campaigns that have incited and enabled these individuals to their pugnacity. While this garnered little more than eye-rolls during the symposium, I feel that scientists should be speaking out about this meme-think that is directly hazardous to public health, and decays the general good of society. If there is a pro-vax rally in your city, please attend.