Source: Feeble defence from ABC confirms abject failure to report Labor accurately
Source: Full article: Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources
Source: Dangerous Tribunal decision paves way for Dutton to keep nuclear blow-outs secret – Michael West. Looks like the […]
Source: The Magnetic North Pole Is Drifting Across the Arctic Toward Siberia | Discover Magazine
Five fundamental laws of stupidity (economics): Carlo Cipolla
Source: The science of “ultra-processed” foods is misleading | Vox
Source: Physicists magnetize a material with light | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Source: Estimates and characteristics of LGBTI+ populations in Australia, 2022 | Australian Bureau of Statistics
Source: The alternative plastics that blow holes in materials consumption
Source: Increases in amyloid-β42 slow cognitive and clinical decline in Alzheimer’s disease trials | Brain | Oxford Academic
Source: Extra 10,000 Australians becoming homeless each month, up 22% in three years, report says | Homelessness | The […]
Source: CSIRO reaffirms nuclear power likely to cost twice as much as renewables – ABC News. However, the coalition […]
Source: Is it a crow or a raven? Birdwatching tips for identifying corvids – ABC News
Source: New discovery could offer significant answers on Alzheimer’s disease – News – University of Liverpool