Misinformation ran rampant in 2021. Here’s your cheat sheet on the most dubious claims Source: CoronaCheck
Source: How $2.8 billion of your money is spent — it grossly favours Coalition seats
Realities not acknowledged are that Australia has tumbled in most global economic rankings, government waste is now in the […]
Source: Hydrogen Is Not A Fuel, It’s A Cult
Source: Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial.
Source: Gouging Government: how a billion-dollar job agency dudded taxpayers, then the super funds – Michael West Media
Source: Don’t be so reckless: Coalition government is anything but efficient – Michael West Media
Source: Two years after 19 of the threatened greater gliders were recorded in remote forest, the area was listed […]
Source: Defamation: a user’s guide (how to tweet and not get sued by a Coalition politician) | The Shot
Source: Gladys Berejiklian corrupt enough for Federal Liberal Party | The Chaser
Source: Legal experts condemn Scott Morrison’s continuing attacks on Icac as ‘disgraceful’ and ‘stupid’ | Independent Commission Against Corruption […]
“These documents foreshadow risks to the Australian public over the coming months,” he said. “They were before national cabinet. […]
Source: Kate Jenkins’ report: the PM’s response was not that of a good leader
Source: Morrison’s rant against ICAC needs a good fact-check