Source: UN Secretary-General labels Australia a ‘holdout’ for refusing to do more on climate change. Because Australia has a […]
Source: Lengthening of warm periods increased the intensity of warm-season marine heatwaves over the past 4 decades | SpringerLink
Source: The cheapest climate solution? Return half of the planet to nature, this scientist says. | Fix
Source: COP26: Former sceptic apologises for role in Climategate – BBC News
Source: Himalayan glaciers melting at ‘exceptional rate’ — ScienceDaily
Source: Federal government’s Christmas Eve veto of research projects labelled ‘McCarthyism’ | Australian politics | The Guardian Fascists in […]
Source: The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the world | Science | AAAS
Source: The U.N. says it has verified a new record high temperature for the Arctic : NPR
Source: The carbon footprint of foods: are differences explained by the impacts of methane? – Our World in Data
“These documents foreshadow risks to the Australian public over the coming months,” he said. “They were before national cabinet. […]
Source: Young adults worry it’s ‘morally wrong’ to have children, Earth Day study finds. Smart people are opting out […]
Source: New study links major fashion brands to Amazon deforestation | Brazil | The Guardian
The Morrison government has used sweeping new powers to override state and territory government support for an international agreement […]
Our study finds that the claims utilized by CTTs and contrarian blogs have focused on attacking the integrity of […]