After decades of being the odd one out, Australian passenger cars on average use 20 per cent more fuel […]
Source: Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations. A poor solution to the environmental problems of […]
Source: OpenNEM: Queensland
Source: New Flow Battery Electric Car To Be Made In The USA – CleanTechnica. Sounds amazing, but let’s see […]
Source: CSIRO says wind and solar much cheaper than nuclear, even with added integration costs | RenewEconomy
Source: Wax-actuated adaptive tiles radically cut heating and cooling energy
Overshooting 1.5°C is fast becoming inevitable. Minimising the magnitude and duration of overshoot is essential. A rapid and managed […]
Source: Editor of scientific journal says fake study linking whale deaths to wind farms is ‘deliberate misinformation’ – ABC […]
Source: Peter Dutton ‘hijacking’ wind farm consultations, spreading misinformation
Source: World’s Biggest Energy Agency Warns 1 Fossil Fuel Must Be Cut Immediately : ScienceAlert
the best, fastest way to reduce the carbon dioxide load of the atmosphere is to stop burning fossil fuels […]
Why corporate regulators such as ASIC and the ACCC are taking greenwashing more seriously – ABC News
Source: Why corporate regulators such as ASIC and the ACCC are taking greenwashing more seriously – ABC News
Source: How U.K. Public Order Bill Could Upend the Right to Protest | Time