Source: Audi abandons combustion engine development –
Source: Scott Morrison ignores concerns gas donors are getting what they want Massive corruption by Australia’s prime minister.
Source: Jane Mayer: The Koch Brothers and the Weaponizing of Philanthropy – Stanford PACS
Source: “World first”: South Australia achieves 100pct solar, and lowest prices in Australia | RenewEconomy
Source: Pure nonsense: Debunking the latest attack on renewable energy “Prager University” … if that name is attached then […]
Angus Taylor is well known for deception. A leading transport expert says the emissions calculations used by federal energy […]
Source: IEA versus the reality of solar PV – pv magazine International
Get rid of Fitzgibbon Source: Joel Fitzgibbon calls for changes to Labor’s leader selection rules as Albanese finalises reshuffle […]
Source: Coalition quietly adds fossil fuel industry leaders to emissions reduction panel | Energy | The Guardian
Renewable energy presents us with a significant opportunity to rebuild the economy, create jobs and create a clean, fair […]
Source: The Pitts: Government gifts Woodside $130 million Christmas present Corruption.
GSL : whilst atmospheric CO2concentrations have varied dramatically during the geological past due to natural processes, and have often […]
Source: Federal resources minister insists inquiry into banks’ decision to abandon thermal coal will go ahead Australian government instigating […]
Source: Bluewaters coal-fired power station written off as worthless as renewables rise – ABC News