Source: How to counter pseudoscience; it’s not about the evidence | Cognition Today
Source: Backbencher Craig Kelly has been criticised for spreading misinformation. Here’s a list of conspiracy theories he has promoted […]
Anti-activist idiots are a little screwed in the brain. Source: 11-year-old environmentalist receives death threats for activism | The […]
McCormack’s comments reflect a deliberate and concerted effort to embrace racist rhetoric, in order to downplay the political violence […]
Source: Fifty countries, not including Australia, join global coalition at One Planet Summit vowing to protect 30 per cent […]
Source: Covid: ‘How a picture of my foot became anti-vaccine propaganda’ – BBC News
Source: Push to oust Liberal MP Craig Kelly gathers pace: ‘It’s awful to be the laughing stock of the […]
Korea joins Japan and China with a zero emissions target which puts hundreds of communities across Australia at the […]
Source: Koalas ‘lose out’ under new bill in NSW | Town & Country Magazine | Goulburn, NSW
New analysis reveals the government intends to cut billions of dollars from university research, while reannouncing funds from elsewhere […]
Source: Josh Frydenberg’s planned responsible lending changes defy Hayne’s banking royal commission Frydenberg continues to demonstrate a wealth of […]
Source: Anything but wind or solar: Taylor’s technology plan is “roadmap to nowhere” | RenewEconomy speaking of corrupt politics […]
Source: Morrison performs massive backflip on Liddell gigawatt gas plan | RenewEconomy we are all realising the Australian prime […]
Source: Trump lied about science | Science