Source: Doherty Institute urges caution in lifting Australia’s Covid restrictions in updated advice to government | Health | The […]
Source: “Inescapable” COVID-19 Antibody Discovery – Neutralizes All Known SARS-CoV-2 Strains
Source: Australian public fed nonsense as country heads to “irreversible” decision. | by Matt Barrie | Aug, 2021 | […]
Source: The mutation that helps Delta spread like wildfire
Source: Study identifies psychological pathways that explain how narcissism predicts support for Donald Trump
Source: COVID-19 is a vascular disease not a respiratory one, says study | Euronews
Source: Pope Francis urges everyone to get COVID-19 vaccines for the good of all | Reuters
Source: Conspiracy theorists and religious people are more likely to commit a ‘conjunction fallacy’ in contexts related to their […]
Source: Plan? What plan? … raking over the coals … by George, he’s lost it … affluent effluent
AstraZeneca vaccine works by giving you a virus (Adenovirus) carrying the information to battle the Corona virus.
Source: Researchers reveal new suicide prevention tools from survivors | Cornell Chronicle
the journal Scientific Reports found that 80% of cases result in at least one long-term symptom. Source: There Are […]