Source: 15,000 rich foreigners given visas to Australia during the pandemic
Source: Frontiers | Plandemic Revisited: A Product of Planned Disinformation Amplifying the COVID-19 “infodemic” | Public Health
Source: The Cycling Myth That Won’t Die: Pedaling Circles — Gear & Grit
The idea that Gladys Berejiklian and her government had some kind of exceptional handle on this crisis has proved […]
Source: Who’s behind Australia’s anti-lockdown protests? The German conspiracy group driving marches | Australia news | The Guardian
Source: New $40 million NIH study hopes to solve mysteries behind children’s long Covid-19
Source: Scientists reverse age-related memory loss in mice | University of Cambridge
Source: Four-day week ‘an overwhelming success’ in Iceland – BBC News
Source: Exploring the Gap Between Excess Mortality and COVID-19 Deaths in 67 Countries. There’s an unsubstantiated factoid that political […]
Source: Victoria’s 5-day lockdown may not quash Delta. Here’s what our modelling predicts instead
Source: Risk of ‘catastrophic’ coronavirus surge in Middle East- WHO | Reuters
Source: Scott Morrison blames Atagi doctors for Australia’s slow Covid vaccine rollout | Health | The Guardian Scotty from […]
Source: Retracted study misused statistics and adverse event reports to claim that COVID-19 vaccines don’t offer “clear benefit” and […]
Source: New Long-Haul COVID Clinics Treat Mysterious and Ongoing Symptoms – Scientific American