Source: The temporal association of introducing and lifting non-pharmaceutical interventions with the time-varying reproduction number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: a […]
Source: Impoverished Australians are choosing to take their chances over ‘punitive’ JobSeeker – ABC News One wonders if those […]
Boris Johnson was accused of “giving in to scientific advisers” by a former leader of his Conservative Party after […]
Korea joins Japan and China with a zero emissions target which puts hundreds of communities across Australia at the […]
Source: Health groups call on Queensland election candidates to commit to urgent climate action | Croakey
Source: Melbourne’s coronavirus second wave seemed impossible to defeat. Our modelling showed exactly how to do it – ABC […]
Source: Government rejected requests for PPE from hundreds of aged care homes at peak of pandemic i wonder if […]
Source: Australian UBI plan would reduce inequality, study finds
The results suggest that language performance in naturalistic probes expose subtle early sings of progression to AD in advance […]
You are not smart, you just aren’t. Your opinion isn’t worth hearing. Stop spouting your stupidity before you kill […]
Source: Koalas ‘lose out’ under new bill in NSW | Town & Country Magazine | Goulburn, NSW
So many open letters from companies that aren’t making the huge profits that they are used to, suddenly caring […]
Source: Megaphone Madness: how reckless media impeded Victoria’s Covid-19 recovery – Michael West
Source: Berlin gives middle finger to anti-maskers in tourism agency ad | Germany | The Guardian This is awesome.