Source: Witnesses say Australian SAS soldiers were involved in mass shooting of unarmed Afghan civilians – ABC News
Source: Home affairs data breach may have exposed personal details of 700,000 migrants | Technology | The Guardian
NearlybeyondbeliefCloverMooredemandsAngusTaylorexplaindoctoreddocumentAngusTaylorTheGuardian Source: ‘Nearly beyond belief’: Clover Moore demands Angus Taylor explain doctored document | Angus Taylor | The Guardian
Victoria’s Attorney-General says there are no legal impediments to prevent the release of unredacted portions of the findings of […]
Poland’s government is leading a Catholic revival. It has minorities and liberals worried – ABC News
It’s a country where white supremacists carry crucifixes, archbishops call gay activists a plague and families are paid to […]
The High Court has given claims about lack of opportunity an elevated technical legal status that outweighs the jury’s […]