Source: Biological sex is not as simple as male or female
Source: Labor’s housing strategy just added several flash new storeys
Source: Apple ordered to open encrypted user accounts globally to UK spying | The Verge
Source: Peter Dutton’s white Australia dream | The Saturday Paper The tactics around appealing to the bottom of the […]
Source: Foxtel: transactions you can’t trust, tax evasion you can’t ignore – Michael West. Murdoch media – tax bludgers.
Source: Lifetime risk and projected burden of dementia | Nature Medicine
Source: Feeble defence from ABC confirms abject failure to report Labor accurately
Source: Dangerous Tribunal decision paves way for Dutton to keep nuclear blow-outs secret – Michael West. Looks like the […]
Five fundamental laws of stupidity (economics): Carlo Cipolla
Source: Extra 10,000 Australians becoming homeless each month, up 22% in three years, report says | Homelessness | The […]
Source: Notorious Afghanistan alleged war crimes cases dropped by Office of the Special Investigator
Source: Oreshnik: Russia’s Hypersonic Missile That Rewrites Strategic Warfare – Aerospace and Defense Research and Development
Source: Israeli government orders officials to boycott left-leaning paper Haaretz. Nothing fascist about that, right?
Source: Putin says Ukraine war is going global. Right here is where we should be screaming to stop, because […]