New research into the minds of crows has revealed a jaw-dropping finding: the canny corvids aren’t just clever – […]
Several liquid bodies have been found under the south pole of Mars, according to a major new study. The […]
New analysis reveals the government intends to cut billions of dollars from university research, while reannouncing funds from elsewhere […]
Source: Rising Temperatures Are Pushing Antarctica Past Point of No Return, Scientists Warn
Source: Censored: Australian scientists say suppression of environment research is getting worse Scientists have been banned from publicly discussing […]
Source: Waste in covid-19 research | The BMJ
Source: Trump lied about science | Science
Source: Australian scientists say logging, mining and climate advice is being suppressed | Environment | The Guardian
Source: Evaluating Coca-Cola’s attempts to influence public health ‘in their own words’: analysis of Coca-Cola emails with public health […]
Source: Past perspectives on the present era of abrupt Arctic climate change | Nature Climate Change
Source: After 40 years, researchers finally see Earth’s climate destiny more clearly | Science | AAAS
Source: What is ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and how is it being used to help severe COVID-19 patients? – […]
Source: Rare ghostly particles produced inside the sun just detected under a mountain in Italy | Live Science
Source: First UK-wide study of brain complications in patients with COVID-19 | University of Southampton