Source: Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime
Source: Pupil Size Is a Marker of Intelligence – Scientific American
Source: University of Edinburgh scientists successfully test cancer-killing ‘Trojan Horse’ drug | HeraldScotland
Source: Satellites may have been underestimating the planet’s warming for decades | Live Science
Source: Who am I? Why am I here? Why children should be taught philosophy (beyond better test scores)
Source: Sunlight Inactivates Coronavirus 8 Times Faster Than Predicted. We Need to Know Why
Source: Effectiveness of Mask Wearing to Control Community Spread of SARS-CoV-2 | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network
Source: Microbes Unknown to Science Discovered on The International Space Station
Source: IceCube detection of high-energy particle proves 60-year-old physics theory
Source: Associations of Fish Consumption With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Among Individuals With or Without Vascular Disease […]
Two astronomers recently searched for a large black hole, as they filtered data from the most powerful earth and […]
Martin Heidegger called this question the “fundamental question of metaphysics.” But it might as well be the fundamental question […]
People who more strongly endorsed COVID-19 conspiracy theories reported greater concerns about their own safety and lower concerns about […]
This paper has a summary of empirical measures with declines that herald imminent major planetary climate changes. Source: Current […]