Source: Are Australians at a ‘turning point’ on cybersecurity or still unprepared? – ABC News Well that’s easy: very […]
Source: House: Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Google have “monopoly power,” should be split | Ars Technica
Source: Massive cyberattack grows beyond US, heightening fears SolarWinds said up to 18,000 customers, including government agencies and Fortune […]
Source: Arecibo telescope collapse in Puerto Rico captured on video by drone – ABC News
Source: Office 365: Why is Cortana Sending Me “Your Daily Briefing” Emails? | by Brad Groux | MSFT Engineer […]
Source: False balance: how Australia’s media fucked up the NBN | The Shot
Source: COVIDSafe update aims for almost perfect logging of contacts, but tech experts say app’s technology is outdated – […]
Source: Gaming may not be as bad as you think – Oxford research | University of Oxford
Source: Telstra admits to unconscionable conduct, faces $50m fine for ‘exploiting’ Indigenous consumers – ABC News
Source: Your Smart TV is probably ignoring your PiHole – LabZilla
Source: MySQL LPAD() function – w3resource
Source: Easy Ubuntu Hardening for Web Developers
A US judge hearing arguments in Epic’s antitrust lawsuit against Apple has criticized the game developer’s decision to breach […]
Why hasn’t Diaspora taken over the world? Because the setup for Diaspora is utter garbage. The instructions don’t work. […]