Source: Gympie-Gympie stinging tree causing hospitalisations in Far North Queensland – ABC News
Source: Sci-fi magazine Clarkesworld has an AI spam problem
Source: Political endorsements can affect scientific credibility
Source: ‘It’s very big’: new species of giant trapdoor spider discovered in Queensland | Queensland | The Guardian
The FBI had previously investigated the Club Q shooter. In the summer of 2021, after family members reported that […]
Codon compiles Python code to run more efficiently and effectively while allowing for customization and adaptation to various domains. […]
Long before Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was published in 1818, an author penned a story that resembles it on more […]
Source: GPT-4 Designed a Programming Language
Source: 68 now sickened, 4 lose eyeballs in outbreak linked to eyedrops | Ars Technica
Source: New Player’s Guide: How to Play D&D Online – Posts – D&D Beyond
Source: Žižek Has Lost the Plot – The Phoenix. “Žižek is transphobic, boring, unoriginal, dishonest, and lazy.“
Source: Ice Sheet Collapse at Both Poles to Start Sooner Than Expected, Study Warns : ScienceAlert
Source: Profits again outstrip wages amid accusations ‘corporate Australia is driving inflation’ – ABC News. Big corporations making it […]
Source: Auditor-general warns RFS has no ‘overarching strategy’ to prepare for climate-change-fuelled bushfires – ABC News. Time to wheel […]