Air pollution nanoparticles linked to brain cancer for first time The research analysed the medical records and pollution exposure […]
‘I’m really not safe here’: What child protection officers knew before children attempted suicide Child Protection repeatedly closed cases […]
Australia’s suicide rate to rise 40% if emerging risks such as debt not tackled Economic murder.
Australian Medical Association declares climate change a health emergency the Australian parliament had a responsibility to move past the […]
It’s Harder for Millennials to Stay Thin Than It Was for Boomers Interesting, but needs follow up.
New research suggests sugar taxes and labeling are effective Taxes are the only thing that works. Education campaigns (a […]
World Health Organisation recognises ‘burn-out’ as medical condition In the latest update of its catalogue of diseases and injuries […]
Canadian scientists figure out how to preserve vaccines without refrigeration — a potential public-health game changer Huge news!
‘Missing out on basic healthcare’: Australians spend $34 billion a year on out-of-pocket health costs
Measles cases up 300% worldwide in 2019, says WHO *sigh* Vaccinate you imbeciles! You get the super power of […]
This formula can work out how hard you should go during exercise HRmax = 208 – (Age x 0.7)Works […]
Naturopaths are snake-oil salespeople masquerading as health professionals | Gary Nunn
Cars are killing us. Within 10 years, we must phase them out | George Monbiot Dirty frickin’ hippies … […]
The Paladin scandal is only a drop in the ocean of corruption on Manus and Nauru | Behrouz Boochani […]