Source: CSIRO says wind and solar much cheaper than nuclear, even with added integration costs | RenewEconomy
Decades ago, when many other European cities were building more road capacity, Vitoria-Gasteiz took a very different path. Source: […]
Source: The human brain’s energy puzzle: Unveiling the high costs of thinking
“All lives are equal. Freedom is a human right.” Source: Pro-Palestine banner removed during Australia-Pakistan cricket Test, spectators evicted […]
Fruit and vegetable consumption may modulate brain volumes. Salad/raw vegetable intake is positively associated with total white matter volume. […]
the draft standards, as written, could allow the eSafety commissioner to force companies to compromise encryption to comply. Source: […]
Source: Wax-actuated adaptive tiles radically cut heating and cooling energy
“This text is toothless and it is nowhere even close to being sufficient to keep us within the 1.5-degree […]
Source: Clues to preventing Alzheimer’s come from patient who, despite genetics, evaded disease – Washington University School of Medicine […]
Source: Australia’s freedom of information system ‘dysfunctional and broken’, inquiry finds | Australia news | The Guardian
Source: Self-copying RNA vaccine wins first full approval: what’s next? “What’s next?” well … maybe zombie apocalypse? I mean, […]
Source: ABC complaint over Insiders’ collaboration with Murdoch’s News Corp. Can ABC please remove the propaganda turds like Speers […]
Source: New protein linked to early-onset dementia identified
Overshooting 1.5°C is fast becoming inevitable. Minimising the magnitude and duration of overshoot is essential. A rapid and managed […]